Sholeen Wuest
Like so many of our music students, Sholeen Wuest grew up in a musical family and joined every band, orchestra, ensemble, and choir she could. She studied at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio majoring in music education and focusing on personal ambitions. It was about that time that Jesus Christ became her personal Lord and Savior and her focus shifted from serving herself to serving Him. And so, instead of playing in the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra and directing children in a public school band, she became the music director of a church where she led the congregation in praise and worship and directed a variety of musical groups. A few years after Sholeen and her husband, Mike, moved to Tennessee, she found herself once again leading praise and worship for a church in Franklin and working on music programs with the children. Her oldest daughter, Hannah, joined Nashville Notes in 2000 and Sholeen became a section leader 2 years later. As her other 3 children joined the band, she continued serving as Beginner Band director for 3 years before becoming director of Nashville Notes in 2008 and directing the Symphonic Band. Her greatest joy (besides her grandchildren!) is to serve the families at Nashville Notes!

Amy VanAuken
Amy is a Kentucky native and homeschool mom to two Nashville Notes students. She graduated from Campbellsville University with a degree in Sports Medicine and Exercise Science, and later went back to school to become a Registered Nurse. Music was very important to Amy growing up where she focused on singing in the choir, playing the French horn, and learning a few chords on the guitar. Her role at Nashville Notes will consist of loving on the students, assisting with administrative needs, and putting bandaids on skinned knees when needed. Her favorite things include listening to her family play their instruments, watching them play sports, and participating in an adult ballet class after having never danced until recently. She is married to Jason, and as a family, they enjoy being active in their church, making up silly songs, and eating yummy meals.