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Enrichment Classes expound upon the understanding and
appreciation of music and the fine arts to the glory of God.

Ages 5-10
Music Play

AGES 4 - 5

Students are introduced to well-known composers of all genres and time periods. Each class begins with a famous work by our “Composer of the Month” and the students move to the music using scarves or ribbon streamers. Elements of music are discussed such as fast/slow, loud/ soft, smooth/choppy, mood, etc. Each week a different instrument of the orchestra is studied and demonstrated (through video). All four instrument families of the orchestra are covered throughout the year. Other concepts taught are:

  • Beat/no beat

  • Moving and playing to a steady beat

  • Body percussion

  • Identifying and using classroom instruments (sticks, shakers, scrapers, drums, etc.) Quarter

    notes, eighth notes and quarter rest

  • Reading rhythms using Kodaly Method (ta, ti-ti, shh)

  • Echoing solfège patterns (mi, so, la)

  Music Play

Music Founations

Grace Notes Music Foundations 

 AGES 6 - 7


Students continue studying composers, building on the foundation started in GNMF, as well as the instrument families. A few new instruments are introduced that are not as commonly seen. New concepts taught are:

  • Naming and identifying woodwind, brass, percussion and string families by sight and sound

  • Identifying form in music: AB, ABA, rondo

  • Dynamics and Dynamics Vocabulary

  • Tempo and Tempo Vocabulary

  • Treble Staff

  • Playing rhythm patterns that include quarter, eighth, half and whole notes and quarter, half and whole rests

  • Echoing solfège patterns including so, la, do re mi so la do

Praise Station Music Foundations

AGES  8 - 9


The purpose of this class is to prepare the students for playing or singing in a higher level ensemble. Students will continue to build on all concepts learned in the Prelude Branch's Music Foundations classes.  New concepts introduced are:

  • Time signatures

  • Sixteenth notes

  • Syncopated rhythms

  • Dotted notes

  • Musical Alphabet (reading music)

  • Ostinato, crescendo, decrescendo, staccato, legato and accent

Students will practice all of these concepts on classroom instruments including bucket drums and recorders. 

Musicianship & Theory

Students at Nashville Notes in instrumental and choral ensembles designated with an asterisk in the Course Catalog, receive instruction in the essential topics of music theory and aural skills as part of their education to help them develop as a holistic musician.  

Musicianship & Theory  (M&T)

Ear Training

Primarily, this class will be FUN! It is open to students who have completed the Musicianship and Theory course OR those who test out of Musicianship and Theory.
Using a college level text, this course will cover topics including: intervalic relationships, chord progressions and inversions, harmonic progression and sequence, voice leading, and diatonic seventh chords.

Music Theory Plus+

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